Command Group



:AA# Sets telescope the AltAz alignment mode (tracking on) - returns nothing
:AL# Sets telescope to Land alignment mode (tracking off) - returns nothing
:AP# Sets telescope to Polar alignment mode (tracking on) - returns nothing


:CM# Synchronizes the telescope position with target RA/Dec. Returns static string: " M31 EX GAL MAG 3.5 SZ178.0'#", or "#" if error.
$CSyncAltAz# Synchronizes the telescope position with target Alt/Az. Returns static string: "OK#", or "#" if error.

Field derotator

$DerotatorMoveTo 9.999# Move derotator to specified position, in decimal degrees - Returns 1 if accepted, 0 if not accepted
$DerotatorGetPosition# Get current derotator position, in decimal degrees: 9.999#


:D# If slewing, return string of an #127 character, terminated with #


:F+# move out (Meade says "in" here in lx200 documentation) - returns nothing
:F-# move in (Meade says "out" here in lx200 documentation) - returns nothing
:FQ# halt Focuser Motion - returns: nothing
:FF# Set Focus speed to fastest - Returns: Nothing
:FS# Set Focus speed to slowest - Returns: Nothing
:F<n># set focuser speed to <n> where <n> is 1..4 - Returns: Nothing
$FocuserGetHalfTravel# Get focuser limit ("half-travel"), in steps: 999999.9# if not implemented returns -1#
$FocuserMoveTo 9999.9# Move focuser to specified position, in steps - Returns 1 if accepted, 0 if not accepted
$FocuserGetPosition# Get current focuser position, in steps: 99999.9#
$FocuserGetSpeed# Get current focuser speed, in steps/second: 99999.9#
$FocuserTargetReached# If target was reached returns 1 else 0


:G0# or :G1# or :G2# (Get Alignment Menu Entry): does nothing, returns "#"
:GA# Get current scope Altitude - Returns sDD*MM# or sDD*MM’SS#, depending on precision setting
:Ga# Get Local Time in 12 Hour Format - Returns: HH:MM:SS#
:GL# Get Local Time in 24 hour format - Returns: HH:MM:SS#
:Gb# Get Browse Brighter Magnitude Limit - Returns: sMM.M# (+00.0#)?
:Gf# Get Browse Faint Magnitude Limit - Returns: sMM.M# (+20.0#)?
:GC# Get local date - Returns: MM/DD/YY#
:Gc# Get Calendar Format - Returns: 12# or 24#
:GD# Get Telescope Declination - Returns: sDD*MM# or sDD*MM’SS#, depending on precision setting
:Gd# Get Target Declination - Returns: sDD*MM# or sDD*MM’SS#, depending on precision setting
:GF# Get Find Field Diameter "arcmin?" - Returns: NNN#  (060#)?
:GG# Get UTC offset time - Returns: sHH# or sHH.H# (The number of hours to add to local time to convert it to UTC)
:Gg# Get Current Site Longitude - Returns: sDDD*MM# "east negative"!
:GH# (Get daylight savings) - Returns 0=disabled or 1=enabled
:Gh# Get Higher altitude Limit - Returns: sDD*# (The minimum elevation of an object above the horizon to which the telescope will slew with reporting a “Below Horizon” error)
:Go# Get Lower altitude Limit - Returns: DD*# (The highest elevation above the horizon that the telescope will be allowed to slew to without a warning message)
:Gl# Get Larger Size Limit - Returns: NNN'# (The size of the smallest object to be returned by a search of the telescope using the BROWSE/FIND commands)
:Gs# Get Smaller Size Limit - Returns: NNN'# (The size of the largest object returned by the FIND command expressed in arcminutes)
:GM# or :GN# or :GO# or :GP# (Get site name): does nothing, returns "Local#"
:Gq# Get Minimum Quality For Find Operation - Returns VP#
:GR# Get Telescope RA - Returns: HH:MM.T# or HH:MM:SS#, depending on precision setting
:Gr# Get target RA - Returns: HH:MM.T# or HH:MM:SS, depending on precision setting
:GS# Get the Sidereal Time - Returns: HH:MM:SS#
:GT# Get tracking rate - Returns: TT.T# - in Hz, where a 60.0 Hz  = 1rev/24h.
:Gt# Get Current Site Latitude - Returns: sDD*MM#
:GVD# Get Telescope Firmware Date - Returns: Apr 03 2007#
:GVF# Get Version - Returns "ETX Autostar|A|43Eg|Apr 03 2007@11:25:53#"  (Emulate an Autostar #497)
:GVN# Get Telescope Firmware Number - Returns: 43Eg#
:GVP# Get Telescope Product Name - Returns "Autostar#"
:GVT# Get Telescope Firmware Time - returns: 11:26:11#
:GW# Get track state / mount type - Returns (A-AltAz/P-Polar/G-Gem) + (T-Tracking/N-NotTrack/S-Sleeping) + (0-NotAligned/1-1starAligned/2-2starAlign/3-3starAlign/H-OnHome/P-Parked) + #
ACK (0x06) Query alignment status - Returns "P" for EQ mount tracking, "A" for Alt-Az mount if tracking, or "L" (land) if not tracking
:Gy# Get deepsky object search string - Returns: #
:GZ# Get telescope azimuth - Returns: DDD*MM#T or DDD*MM’SS#, depending on precision setting
$GetSoundStepperVersion# Get SoundStepper Version - Returns like "" the last number is the build
$GetGuidingSpeedPercent# Get guiding speed (% of sidereal) + "#"
$GetIsPulseGuiding# Is the telescope pulse guiding (returns 1=yes 0=no)
$GetPierSide# Get ASCOM Pointing state: E# if normal, W# if "Beyond the pole"
$GetIsStopped# Returns 1 if RA/Dec (or Alt/Az) motors are stopped, or 0 if not
$GetUtcDateTime# Get UTC Date/time, formatted as YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF#


:hS# or :hF# or :hP# (Seeks Home Position) - Returns: Nothing - All cmds except “:Q#” and “:h?#” disabled during the search.
:h?# (Query Home Status) - Returns 0 (Home Search Failed), 1 (Home Search Found), or 2 (Home Search in Progress)


:H# (Toggle Between 24 and 12 hour time format) - Returns: Nothing


:Lf# (Identify object in current field) - Returns: “0 - Objects found#”
:LI# (Get Object Information) - Returns: “0 - Objects found#”
:LoD# (Select deep sky Library) - Returns: 0 (Catalog Not found)
:LsD# (Select star catalog) - Returns: 2 (Catalog Not Found)


:MA# (Slew to target AltAz) - Returns 0=OK or 1=Fault (only works in the LAND and ALTAZ modes)
:Me# (Move East at current slew rate)  - Returns: Nothing
:MgsNNNN# (guide in the "s" (n/s/w/e) direction for NNNN msec) - returns nothing??
:Mn# (Move North at current slew rate) - Returns: Nothing
:Ms# (Move South at current slew rate) - Returns: Nothing
:Mw# (Move West at current slew rate) - Returns: Nothing
:MS# (Slew to Target Object) - Returns: 0 Slew is Possible, 1<string># if obj is Below Horizon, 2<string># if obj is below "Higher", 4<string># if obj is above "lower".


:P# (Toggles High Precsion Pointing) - Returns: <string> “HIGH PRECISION#” or “LOW PRECISION#”


:Q# Halt all current slewing - Returns:Nothing
:Qe# Halt eastward Slews - Returns: Nothing
:Qn# Halt northward Slews - Returns: Nothing
:Qs# Halt southward Slews - Returns: Nothing
:Qw# Halt westward Slews - Returns: Nothing


:RC# Set Slew Centering rate - Returns: Nothing
:RG# Set Slew Guiding Rate - Returns: Nothing
:RM# Set Slew Find Rate - Returns: Nothing
:RS# Set Slew max - Returns: Nothing
:RADD.D# Set RA/Azimuth Slew rate to DD.D degrees per second. Returns: Nothing
:REDD.D# Set Dec/Elevation Slew rate to DD.D degrees per second. Returns: Nothing
:RgSS.S# Set guide rate to +/- SS.S to arc seconds per second. MAX=sidereal speed. Returns: Nothing


:SasDD*MM# Set target object altitude to sDD*MM# or sDD*MM’SS# Returns: 1 Object within slew range or 0 Object out of slew range (is inverted in documentation??)
:SBn# Set Baud Rate n, where n is an ASCII digit (1..9) – Does nothing and returns 1
:SbsMM.M# Set Brighter limit to the ASCII decimal magnitude string. SMM.M Returns: 1 - Valid or 0 – invalid number (is inverted in documentation??)
:SCMM/DD/YY# Change local Date - Returns: <D><string> D = ‘0’ if date invalid, null string. D = ‘1’ for valid dates and “Updating Planetary Data# #”
:SdsDD*MM# Set target declination to sDD*MM or sDD*MM:SS depending on precision setting - Returns: 1 - Dec Accepted or 0 – Dec invalid
:SEsDD*MM# Sets target to specificed selenographic latitude - Returns 1 - If moon is up and coordinates accepted. 0 – If coordinates invalid
:SesDDD*MM# Sets target to specified selenogrphic longitude - Returns 1 – If Moon is up and coordinates accepted. 0 – If coordinates invalid
:SfsMM.M# Set faint magnitude limit to sMM.M - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SFNNN# Set FIELD/IDENTIFY field diamter to NNNN arc minutes. - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SgDDD*MM# Set current site’s longitude to DDD*MM an ASCII position string - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SGsHH.H# Set the number of hours added to local time to yield UTC - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SHn# disable (n=0) or enable (n=1) daylight savings - returns ?????
:ShDD# Set the minimum object elevation limit to DD# - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SlNNN# Set the size of the smallest object returned by FIND/BROWSE to NNNN arc minutes - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SLHH:MM:SS# Set the local Time - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SM<string># or :SN<string># or :SO<string># or :SP<string># Set site name to be <string>. Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SoDD*# Set highest elevation to which the telescope will slew - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SrHH:MM.T# or :SrHH:MM:SS# Set target object RA to HH:MM.T or HH:MM:SS depending on precision setting. - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SsNNN# Set the size of the largest object the FIND/BROWSE command will return to NNNN arc minutes - Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SSHH:MM:SS# Sets the local sideral time to HH:MM:SS Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:StsDD*MM# Sets the current site latitdue to sDD*MM# Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:STTT.T# Sets tracking rate to TT.T hz, where a 60.0 Hertz will cause the RA axis 1rev/24h. Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SwN# Set maximum slew rate to N degrees per second. N is the range (2..8) Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid
:SyGPDCO# Sets the object selection string used by the FIND/BROWSE command. Returns: 0 – Invalid 1 - Valid
:SzDDD*MM# Sets the target Azimuth Returns: 0 – Invalid or 1 - Valid


:T+# Increment Manual rate by 0.1 Hz Returns: Nothing
:T-# Decrement Manual rate by 0.1 Hz Returns: Nothing
:TL# Set Lunar tracking rate Returns: Nothing
:TM# Select Custom tracking rate Returns: Nothing
:TQ# Select Default tracking rate Returns: Nothing
:TDDD.DDD# Set Manual rate do the ASCII expressed decimal DD.DDD Returns: ‘1’


:U# Toggle between low/hi precision positions (Low - displays  HH:MM.T sDD*MM / High - displays HH:MM:SS sDD*MM:SS) - Returns Nothing


$Terminate#Terminate SoundStepper, aborting all operations
$Quit# or <ESC> (0X27)  Quit telnet session